Saturday, February 15, 2014

Cub-O 2014

What is Cub-O you ask? Cub-O is a fun Orienteering competition for Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos held yearly; where using a map and a compass, miles of trails are walked to find markers that are worth (more or less) points depending on their location.

Cub-O was an event we were certainly looking forward to. Dylan, dad (Angel), and I drove over an hour to Sid Richardson Scout Ranch. The beautiful lake views and perfect weather that January 4th, 2014 was well worth the drive. After we learned about the proper use of a map and a compass, lunch, and some pictures, we headed to walk miles of trails in search for markers. What seemed like millions of scouts and their parents scattered; map and compass in hand, to accumulate points in a 3-hour time slot. Our team, "The Turbo Tigers" did not get first place, but we were not the last ones either. Dylan completed all the required steps to get his Hiking Belt Loop, and some of the steps for his Hiking Pin. That was something to celebrate about ... and that we did with dinner at a Mexican restaurant and a lost tooth claimed by a chicken nugget.

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