Thursday, February 27, 2014

AHG Work on the Toys & Games Badge

February 25th, 2014 - Each meeting the AHG start with a flag ceremony and a prayer. Today was no different. At the culmination of the ceremony, the girls gathered up and started to work on a step for the Toys and Games Badge. Sadly, the girls had already started this badge by the time Kaylee joined this group, and she may not be able to finish all previous steps for the badge; but nonetheless, she enjoyed participating. The girls followed origami steps to have a very adorable waterproof boat. If you will like to make one too, follow this link. Thanks Zoe from Captain Crafty!

After the girls were finished with their paper boat, they played a game with conversation heart candies and chopsticks. This game consists of the girls using chopsticks to pick up as many candies as they can in a 25 second time frame. The girls that waited their turn cheered the girls playing. This game had been planned for the Valentine's Day Party but with so many other activities planned, there was no time for this one. The leaders brought it back to get the girls engaged in this challenging game. The girls enjoyed it so much that they requested it was brought back the next meeting for another moment of loud fun.

After the closing ceremony, Kaylee had the opportunity to meet with the group leader for a conference about her Joining Award. Kaylee has officially completed all the steps to get this award; and she was one happy girl. Congratulations Miss. Kaylee!

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